Saddest Gift for my 24th Birthday

On February 21st, 2008, one of the gorgeous puppy has come to this world with eight loveliest brotherhood in the Meerigama area, and after two weeks, we take her home, and my amma named her as Rashi. From the start, she was starting to win our hearts and close to us so quickly and became a protector and ultimately became the everyone lover at home. Mostly loved Loku, Chuti, and Amma than me, sometimes I jealousy about that. We have grown with her love and care until today morning (Almost 12 Years).
On the 11th, four days before my 24th birthday, she was starting to struggling with walking. We take her to the Vet Hospital, Kurunegala, and doctors did several medical checkups including an Xray and identified calcium stored on her spiral that gives the pain to walk. Doctors inject several pain killers to minimize the pain. Instead of giving pain killers, there are no treatments to heal such a situation in our country (maybe in Kurunegala).
Unfortunately, For some reason, she was unable to walk from 11th midnight and start to pass defaecate where she sleeps (But she tried to go out). However, she starts getting back to normal and walks again. On the 15th morning, we take her back to the hospital, and doctors did several medical checkups, including ECG, Blood test, and founded abnormal spikes in ECG and decide there was a problem with the heart and gave several injections and prescribed four drugs including one antibiotic.

Until the 18th morning, she takes all the medicines and foods we provided, and from the afternoon, she started to refuse to take any medicines, foods even water.
On 19th Doctors did another medical checkup to test her kidney functionality and detect she has a canine kidney disease, which scores creatinine 4.6, but the reference range should be between 0.5–1.5 mg/dL. Doctors immediately stop her heart treatments and begin her palliate treatments for kidney disease because the damage cannot be reverse due to her age, and start to give three bottles of saline water and medicines per day until creatinine levels back to normal.
On 21st doctors check her kidney, with this time liver functionality and explain to us things start to get worse by making everyone hopeless. Because liver functionality is going down which scores 154.5 U/L but the reference range should be in 21–102.

By giving a stop to her life chapter, she was passed away on 22nd at 9.15 AM due to heart failure by making everyone cry. After a shroud by a monk of our temple, she was buried to where we all finally go.
Finally, I have to say,
To Heaven -- Dear Gods, Please take care of herself. until I came...
To My Love -- why you became my saddest birthday gift? We will never forget your love... we will miss you so much… please come back home…
My final wish is, may her existence became shorter and attain supreme bliss of Nibbana…!!!

Thanks for reading…